Terrific Traffic: Bangalore is World’s 2nd Slowest City To Drive In While Pune Is 6th

slowest city

Bangalore is famous across the country for its terrible traffic. This traffic index that analyses the data from various cities has found that Bangalore has the worst traffic in India and 2nd worst traffic in the whole world. The index rates how long it takes for a vehicle to drive from point A to point B and then compares the time taken to travel the same distance in other parts of the world. Bangalore turned out to be the second slowest city while Pune ranked sixth.

Bangalore Is The 2nd Slowest City To Drive In The World

According to TomTom, a company that specialises in geolocation technology, Bangalore is the second slowest city in the world to drive in. It takes an average of 29 minutes and 10 seconds to cover a distance of 10 kilometres or 6.2 miles.

London is the world’s slowest city as it takes an average of 36 minutes and 20 seconds to cover the same distance. It is also the second-most expensive city to drive in, according to the data provided by the same company.

Interestingly, Pune ranked 6th on this list. This means that in India, it is the 2nd slowest city to drive in. It takes an average of 20 minutes and 20 seconds to travel 10 kilometres.

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Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Other Indian Cities On The List

As mentioned above, Bengaluru has the second worst traffic in the world and the worst traffic in India. Pune also has made it to the list as it has the 2nd worst traffic in India and 6th worst traffic in the entire world.

There are other Indian cities that made it to the list beyond the top ten. New Delhi ranked was ranked 34th on the list as it takes an average of 22 minutes and 10 seconds to travel 10 kilometres.

The financial capital of the country, which is Mumbai, also made it to the top 50 list of slowest countries to drive in. Mumbai ranked 47th on the list since it takes an average of 21 minutes and 10 seconds to cover the same distance.

Also Read: Anand Mahindra Shares Birds-Eye View Of Bengaluru-Mysuru Expressway. Lauds Global-Standard Infrastructure

What do you do when you’re stuck in traffic? Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image Credits: Wikimedia Commons

Tooba Shaikh: Runs on chai. Excels at cracking lame puns. Likes to think she is funny but people around her disagree. Loves wasting time and hates writing about herself.