These 3 Indian Airports Will Be The First Ones To Get Full Body Scanners!

full body scanners india

Airports across the country are being updated with the latest technologies. According to recent reports, three Indian airports are to be equipped with full-body scanners. Earlier the BCAS had ordered airports that witness huge passenger traffic to install 3-D computed tomography X-ray (CTX) machines.

Three Indian Airports To Get Full-Body Scanners Installed!

Credits: Wikimedia

According to BCAS president Zulfiquar Hasan, full body scanners will be introduced to airports gradually. In fact, the procedure is anticipated to begin at major airports within a year. He further emphasised that there won’t be any privacy concerns because those have already been resolved globally. In case travellers with health difficulties are unable to utilise such scanners, he stated that there will be other solutions available.

The installation of full body scanners at airports must be completed by the end of the year, according to the Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS). At a conference in the nation’s capital, the BCAS president stated that although they had set a deadline, there were problems with the procurement cycle because airport operators worldwide purchased this equipment from the same two or three manufacturers.

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In the beginning, full body scanners would be installed in busy airports like those in Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Delhi. They will introduce full-body scanners gradually, in several phases. In fact, they have issued orders for a few airports, and we anticipate that in about a year, this process will begin in major airports.

There Will Be Alternative For Those Who Do Not Wish To Use It

Credits: Wikimedia

He said there will be alternatives for travellers who, for medical reasons, did not want to utilise the full-body scanners. In response to a question regarding potential privacy concerns associated with utilising full-body scanners, the BCAS chief stated that these concerns had been resolved both globally and in India.

In the meantime, BCAS advocated the installation of computer tomography-based scanners at airports last year. So that travellers wouldn’t need to remove any electronic items from their hand luggage before passing through the scanner.

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Currently, two dimensions airport scanners can only show hand luggage contents. The installation of such scanners is anticipated to speed up airport security check-in procedures.

Cover Image Courtesy: Wikimedia

Shreya Rathod: Shreya is a bookworm and spends her time reading. And of course, she loves to write! Her only wish is to try different food and travel every single place on this planet. Besides books, she likes to watch movies. Lastly, she might not be the funniest in the room but will laugh with her heart out on every joke.