This Bengaluru Eatery Engraves Names Of Stuffing On Samosas & It’s Super Cool

Bengaluru Eatery

Photo credit- Shobhit Bakliwal Twitter

Nowadays different brands are coming up with unique branding ideas to stay relevant in this massive pool of competition. A Bengaluru eatery did something very eye-catching with their dishes and it has now grabbed the attention of everyone on social media. A customer found out that this eatery engraves the name of the stuffing of samosas on the crunchy crust and it is truly a delight to watch.

This Bengaluru Eatery Engraves The Name Of Filling On Samosas

A Twitter user named Shobhit Bakliwal uploaded a picture of his order from ‘Samosa Party’ on his Twitter handle. He ordered a few samosas from this Bengaluru eatery and he was very surprised after opening his box of food orders. Shobhit noticed that the names of the different stuffings of the samosas were engraved on the edge of the outer crust. He ordered aloo samosa and noodles samosa and hence his order had ‘aloo’ and ‘noodles’ engraved on it. Shobhit uploaded the photo captioning, ‘the real food “tech” innovation in Bangalore.

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Samosa Party also responded to this tweet from their official Twitter account. They thanked him for noticing it and wrote, ‘Thank you Shobhit, glad you noticed. This solves an important customer problem sustainably – fillings can be identified without breaking the Samosas in case of assorted orders :)’.

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It is indeed a surprise to see an eatery selling street food using such advanced techniques in their business. Samosas can be of various types and it’s often difficult to identify the exact ones. So this engraving on the samosa crusts surely helps to identify samosas without breaking and checking the fillings.

The Picture Went Viral On Social Media

Netizens are always on the hunt for interesting things and this innovation by the Bengaluru eatery is equally interesting and surprising. The photo shared by Shobhit Bakliwal is making rounds on social media after he uploaded it on 10 October 2022. It has been just 2 days and it has over 2500 likes and hundreds of retweets. Everyone is sharing their opinions in the comments section.

Cover Image Courtesy: Twitter/ Shobhit Bakliwal

Shreya Ghosh: Shreya and her obsession with rom-coms and sitcoms are very real. Either procrastinating everything for weeks or wrapping it all up in just a weekend: the perfect way to sum up her. She loves exploring the newest cafes of Kolkata and is very passionate about forcing others to visit those places as well.