

Road Trips


8 Tips To Survive A Hectic Overnight Bus Journey

by Sanmita A
8 Tips To Survive A Hectic Overnight Bus Journey

Travelling is fun, adventurous and everything delightful. However, you might be greeted with a few hiccups once in a while. One of them could be the fatigue you feel after a super long and tiring overnight bus journey. Short ones, we agree can be great, especially with great views and snacks. But the overnight bus journeys, tend to exhaust a lot of us. And, we have a few solid tips which will help you get through a bus journey conveniently. Take a look.

Solid Tips To Survive A Hectic Bus Journey

1. Arrive Early & Select Your Seat

Unless you have been assigned a seat or booked online in advance, arriving at the bus station early is best. On the other hand, you do not want to be late before you take a long night bus journey. Hence, arriving early is always a good idea.

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2. Carry Warm Clothes

Always be in your comfortable clothes while travelling long distances. Be it a train journey or a bus, it is best you carry something warm as well. You do not want to be freezing on the bus if it’s an AC sleeper bus. Being equipped with a jacket or stole is best.

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3. Take A Front Seat, Avoid The Back

Bus journeys can sometimes be bumpy depending on the roads and highways. Nobody wants a long hour bumpy ride. So, always, always choose a front seat for travelling. Be a little kind to your back, and take that front seat. Sitting in the front will save you from motion sickness if you travel through hilly roads. That doesn’t mean you take the seat right near the driver. Just two or three seats back will do. You don’t want to be bothered by the constant honking.

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4. Get A Pillow, Or Even A Neck Pillow If Necessary

Check the kind of bus you are travelling in. If it is one of those buses where you’ve got to sit and travel, then a neck pillow is necessary. You do not want to get up with a bad pain in your neck or even a sprain. Continuously research, find out the kind of bus you’re travelling and plan accordingly.

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5. Carry Snacks & Water For Your Bus Journey

A long bus journey, means you’ve got to be prepared for any emergency. It might also be like the bus might not take a break and you have to go hungry and thirsty. Hence, stock up on sufficient snacks and water.

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Image For Representation

6. Go To The Loo During Breaks

You might be afraid to use the loo in public places. But travelling long hours without going to the toilet is going to be super uncomfortable. Make sure you do not make that mistake.

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Image For Representation

7. Have The Essentials Handy

Hand sanitiser, a mask, a stole, a few wipes, earphones and a charger should be in a place that is easily accessible to you. Pack them up nicely in your handbag/backpack. You can take games too if you fail to sleep during the journey.

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Image For Representation

8. Travel With Someone & Keep Your Things Safe

It is very important to keep your stuff safe while travelling. Talk and interact with a few on the bus. That will surely help you in times of need. Or, even better, travel with a buddy, that will make your long-hour bus journey even more adventurous and fun.


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Once you arrive at your destination. A little rest, with a cup of coffee and a warm shower, would surely get you going. Don’t forget to eat well & then head to other stuff. Let us know what are your tips to travel conveniently on bus journeys!

Cover Image Courtesy: Pixabay

First Published: September 22, 2022 6:58 PM