



4 Days Left To Sign The Petition That Will Save Felling Of 2238 Trees In Aarey Colony Due To Metro Project

by Mrunal Mahajan
4 Days Left To Sign The Petition That Will Save Felling Of 2238 Trees In Aarey Colony Due To Metro Project

For the construction of a ‘car shed’ for Mumbai Metro 3 project, approximately 2238 trees will be cut down and 464 will be transplanted. BMC Tree Authority issued a public notice that will take suggestions/ objections from citizens for the same until 8th July. Almost 33,831 people has signed the petition against this Metro 3 Project.

Also Read: Maharashtra Government Hands Over Aarey Colony To Be Turned Into A Zoo By BMC

Here is a link where you can sign the petition and let the authorities know that we will fight for Aarey.  You can sign the petition here.

We are all well aware that Aarey Colony in Goregaon is the last standing stretch of trees that ensure there is a balance in the eco-system and reduce the level of pollution caused in Mumbai daily. This limited cover is our only hope of saving the environment. Do not let it be taken by the BMC authorities for the building of Metros, highways or any other infrastructure.

Image Credits: Hindustan Times

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The population of the city is at an all-time high and more and more problems like pollution, running out of water and rains being delayed by 15 days is a sign of climate change. The earlier we act upon these issues, we have a better chance of restoring nature. This is not the first time that a stretch of green trees has been cut for construction of industries, infrastructure, bullet trains an metro.

After Sanjay Gandhi Nation Park we only have Aarey colony that ensures the balance of the environment. Starting 0f 2019, BMC had issued a notice for cutting down of approximately 5,000 trees across the city.

Also Read: Mumbai-Ahmedabad Bullet Train Project To Cut 54,000 Mangrove Trees

A public hearing for the same will be held at MMRDA in BKC. We have only 4 days from today that is until 8th of July to sign this petition that will save the stretch of Aarey. Environmentalist, activists and the people living in Aarey have been constantly fighting for cutting down of trees. Now when the BMC from their end is actually going to consider the objections, let us grab every chance we have to save our environment.

Let your VOICE be heard, do your bit and save Aarey.

First Published: July 04, 2019 5:03 PM