Check Out The Benefits Of Meditating In The Mountains

by Vinita Jain
Check Out The Benefits Of Meditating In The Mountains

Meditation is a practice of concentration. It’s all about developing positive attitudes like self-control, healthy sleep patterns, and improved pain tolerance. Mountain meditation is gaining popularity as more people are discovering its many health benefits. It helps people practice stillness and relaxation in the midst of nature. It helps you focus by increasing your concentration levels.

We’ve rounded up some more benefits of meditating in the mountains for you. Check them out!!

1. Mindfulness


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Meditating on mountains allows you to feel the stillness of the mountains which evokes mindfulness. Social isolation can help to create a better outlook and make life’s issues seem less important. The eternal essence of the mountain helps us see life from a broader perspective. More importantly, it teaches you to live your life, not just survive.

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2. Adaptability

The mountain surface changes continuously as the weather changes from moment to moment. And because the mountain cannot be moved, we can feel the very core of stillness and serenity within us, despite all the changes, challenges, lows, and highs life holds for us. What’s important is to stay strong and face all of them like a mountain rock.

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3. Breathing

Breathing is a significant exercise of meditation. Meditating on mountains will make you feel that your breath is coming more in control. You can also feel your breathing and how it affects the movement of your abdomen. Mountain meditation helps the skin to be gradually exposed with soft breathing.

4. Reconnecting With The Nature

A retreat in the mountains is an opportunity to disconnect from all the stresses of the city and reconnect with outdoor living spaces. Of course, immersing yourself in the mountains is a wonderful way to indulge all your senses. You can hear the birds chirping, feel the breeze and see the sunshine.

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5. Boosts Our Concentration Power

Picture Credit: pixabay

Mountain meditation helps in improving our concentration. It helps us to focus better and also helps in increasing our brain power. In addition, it stimulates our creativity and problem-solving skills. As a result, we can think more clearly and find better solutions to problems.

The hectic pace of life often wreaks havoc on our brains. This is where meditation comes in, rewiring our brains and bringing us back to our current reality. However, meditating in the mountains makes the healing process easier. Do try this once in your life!!

Cover image courtesy: pixabay

First Published: September 20, 2022 7:36 PM