Dubai Beaches, And Other Major Destinations Reopen With Enhanced Safety Measures

by Vaishnavi Venkataraman
Dubai Beaches, And Other Major Destinations Reopen With Enhanced Safety Measures

Dubai is trying to gradually bounce back to normalcy. The city is taking it one step at a time and it seems like its working. After malls opened up with tightened restrictions, Meraas destinations in the city now follow suite. In case you missed the Box Park or the Kite Beach, here’s some good news. Retail and food and beverage outlets run by Meraas will now be open from 12 pm- 10 pm daily.

Major destinations including Boxpark, Al Seef, Bluewaters, City Walk, Kite Beach, La Mer, The Beach, The Outlet Village and all Last Exit destinations excluding Al Qudra have now officially reopened.

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We are ready to have you with us again. Our priority is keeping our staff and our visitors safe. Before you visit, we ask that you are aware of all the latest social distancing instructions and that you follow the new rules and processes we’ve implemented across our destinations. To learn more visit the link in bio. Thank you for your cooperation! ‎ على أتم الاستعداد لاستقبالكم مجدداً. أولويتنا هي الحفاظ على سلامة الزوّار والموظفين. ‎لذلك نطلب من جميع الزوار أن يكونوا على دراية بآخر إرشادات التباعد الاجتماعي، واتباع القواعد والإجراءات التي نطبقها قبل الزيارة. ‎شكراً لتعاونكم #Meraas #MeraasDubai #SocialDistance #BeSafe #مراس #مراس_دبي

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Food and beverage destinations at Meraas destinations have also reopened.

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We are reopening! Our retail and F&B outlets will be returning to business from Tuesday 28th April 2020, under revised operating hours of 12pm to 10pm. Before you visit, remember that this is a critical phase of mitigating the COVID-19 situation, so we ask that you are aware of all the latest social distancing instructions and that you follow the new rules and processes we’ve implemented across our destinations to play your part in getting us back up and running. نحن نعاود فتح أبوابنا! ستعود المتاجر والمطاعم والمقاهي في وجهاتنا إلى العمل يوم الثلاثاء 28 أبريل 2020، بموجب ساعات العمل المعدلة من 12:00 ظهراً إلى 10:00 مساءً. قبل الزيارة، تذكروا أن هذه مرحلة حرجة من تخفيف الإغلاق بسبب كوفيد – 19، لذلك نطلب من جميع الزوار أن يكونوا على دراية بآخر إرشادات التباعد الاجتماعي، واتباع القواعد والإجراءات التي نطبقها في وجهاتنا للمساهمة في عودتنا إلى العمل على أكمل وجه. #LaMerDubai #MeraasDubai #Meraas #لامير #مراس_دبي #مراس

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Meraas shared an official announcement on social media. The video also lists out a set of safety instructions all residents must follow while visiting Meraas destinations. The rules include:

-Wearing facemasks and gloves
-Maintaining a physical distance of two metres at all times
-Undergoing a temperature check
-Children between 3-12 years of age and senior citizens are not permitted at any of the Meraas destinations

In addition, shops are handed out red tags, which they must hang out once they reach the maximum number of visitors. This is an indication to others that they must wait or come back later. All entertainment destinations and valet parking will continue to remain closed. Besides, changing rooms and prayer rooms are also closed. Visitors will not be permitted to hang around in any of the Meraas destinations for more than three hours.