Etihad Airways Provides Meals For People Impacted By Covid 19

by Angel Merchant
Etihad Airways Provides Meals For People Impacted By Covid 19

We have all seen the true meaning of strength and unity in the UAE, these past months. Covid 19 has brought in a lot of dismay, however, the UAE is doing its best to help everyone. The Coronavirus has left many individuals around the country jobless and struggling. This country has come together numerous times to help us all, and make sure we all get through this together. And now, the Abu Dhabi-based Etihad airlines is serving meals to those affected. Since the pandemic began, Etihad has delivered over 15,000 meals a day.

EAS catering, Etihad Service Airport Catering, has been called on by many to deliver meals around the city. Business organizations, community centers, and government entities have all called on the service to help deliver meals to those in need. The EAS catering service has served many people around the country including those who are self quarantining in their homes, at hotels, and even in the hospital. They have also been catering to front line medical staff and other humanitarian aid members around the city. This facility, in particular, is preferred by all, due to its stringent and immaculate food handling procedures. The catering service works under pristine conditions and tries its best to help everyone they can.

Also Read: WATCH: UAE Launches New App To Detect Covid-19 Cases

What Else?

The Etihad catering service (EAS) has also been offering and delivering basic living amenities to all their Eithad Airways employees. The airline employees that need to be isolated, are mostly being kept in Al-Masdar city, Abu Dhabi. They are providing the best care possible, to make sure their employees will be able to return to work in perfect conditions when it is safe to do so. The employees are from a range of departments. These include cargo agents, loadmasters, members of cabin crew, and pilots. A fixed meal delivery service is set in motion for these employees, completely free of charge, which is the same case for the accommodation.

As part of the efficient and quick response of Etihad Airways, the company has also instilled a holistic safety training program. This has helped both train and educate the airway employees on how best to stay safe during this novel pandemic. They have also provided a disinfection team available round the clock. There are also thermal imaging processors at the buildings, restricted access of visitors, and necessary screening measures should anyone require visitors.

Also Read: Emirates Offers Three Options To Travelers Affected By Covid 19

First Published: April 20, 2020 9:06 AM