



Expansive Coronavirus-Themed Grass Graffiti Unveiled In Swiss Alps

by Sanjana Shenoy
Expansive Coronavirus-Themed Grass Graffiti Unveiled In Swiss Alps

A few months back, if we were told that the restaurants we loved to eat in, the malls we adored to chill in and the pubs we looked forward to hanging out in, would not matter anymore, we wouldn’t believe it. What would matter is spending quality time with family, learning a new skill, indulging in arts and keeping oneself healthy all in the comfort of one’s home. While the coronavirus pandemic has grappled the world with fear, people are seeking solace in different forms of art, like singing, dancing and painting to name a few. In Switzerland, an expansive coronavirus themed grass graffiti was unveiled in the Swiss Alps.

coronavirus themed Grass Graffiti Swiss Alps
Picture Credits: trtworld.com

What’s In It?

The renowned French artist, Saype known for massive graffiti works on grass showcased his latest piece in the Swiss Alps on April 26. His art which is best seen from the air showcased a coronavirus related graffiti of a girl looking towards the horizon in the Swiss Alps. The artist’s real name is Guillaume Legros. He previously painted temporary biodegradable pictures on lawns ranging from The Champ de Mars next to the Eiffel Tower in Paris to the Yamoussoukro in the Ivory Coast. In his gorgeous paintings, he usually depicts children or close up of two people’s hands holding each other’s forearms.


Saype’s expansive coronavirus themed grass graffiti in the Swiss Alps has taken the internet by storm. His new work. ‘Beyond Crisis’ was painted on a clearing in the Swiss resort town of Leysin. It depicts a girl sitting and completing a chain of stick figures holding hands. Saype revealed in a statement to the news agency Keystone-SDA, “The fresco of more than 3,000 square metres evokes the building of a world with more solidarity and more humanity. “There are several levels of reading but the main idea is to challenge the world that will follow after the crisis, on the importance of all looking in the same direction. As with my other works, I want to convey an optimistic vision, a certain idea of living together.”

coronavirus themed Grass Graffiti Swiss Alps
Picture Credits: zimbio.com

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What’s More?

‘Beyond Crisis’ was painted on a private land of a farmer situated in the Prafandaz pass, overlooking Lake Geneva. Saype used his usual paint which is 100% biodegradable product based charcoal and ion chalk. The lifespan of his grass graffiti depends on the weather and the regrowth of the grass. It’s estimated to last from two weeks to a month. In 2019, Saype was listed at one of forces 30 most influential personalities under the age of 30 in the field of art and culture. Beyond Crisis is just the hope through art that we need right now, to remind us that we are all in this together, and we will get out of this crisis, together. Here Are 10 Gorgeous Towns In The World To Visit After The Coronavirus Lockdown Ends

First Published: April 28, 2020 2:02 PM