Goa Relaxes Travel Guidelines: Here’s Why It Is A Bad Idea To Visit Goa Right Now!

The moment we have all been waiting for is finally here. Our favourite beach getaway Goa has not only opened for tourists, but the government has also relaxed the travel norms. COVID-19 testing will no longer be mandatory for people entering Goa from September 1. Besides, there is some more good news. Goa government also informed that bars and restaurants would reopen once again. Yes, we know you are already checking the flight rates and the room tariffs. But knowing that the pandemic is far from over and we have consistently been recording the highest number of COVID-19 cases in a day, can it be safe to travel to Goa? Probably not, and here’s why!

Also read: 6 Beach-Side Private Villas To Rent Out In Goa Perfect For Social Distancing.

1. Goa Continues To See A Daily Surge In COVID-19 Cases

The state’s active COVID-19 toll jumped to 28,829 as of September 7, 2020, after addition of over 300 new infections. As much as we would like to believe or stay in denial, the number of cases in Goa is far from low. Here are 10 Best Spots You Will Find On A Road Trip From Mumbai To Goa.

Image Courtesy: The Goa Experience

2. The COVID-19 Hospitals In Goa Are Full

The moment you step out of your house, you risk yourself from contracting the virus. So if you catch the virus in Goa, remember that the COVID treatment facilities in Goa both in dedicated hospitals and in GMC wards are filled. Patients are now being transferred to the sub-district hospitals. If you care for your life, you surely do not want to go through this. Kasturba Hospital Doctor Shares His Experience On COVID-19.

3. The Goan Locals Are Not Embracing Tourists

Recently, Shenaz Treasury, who is a Mumbai-based content creator, has been under scrutiny for having escaped to Goa after the state opened its doors to tourism. In her Instagram posts, we see Shehnaz revelling in the freedom she feels after being home-arrested, exclaiming at the emptiness of Goa streets, and justifying her escapade as a way to help the state’s tourism industry. Soon after, she started receiving a lot of criticism from the Goan locals for the glorification of tourism during a time when the state was still seeing a surge in the COVID-19 cases. Locals have been consistently tweeting ‘Don’t come to Goa’. Goa Imposes New Quarantine Rules Including Pre-Booking Accommodation.

Image Courtesy: Goibibo

4. Goan Bars Can Be A Hotspot For COVID-19 Transmission

We know that there is a party on your mind, but the bars are one of the most dangerous places for COVID-19 transmission. They’re often small, crowded, and people are disinhibited by alcohol. The droplets can hang in the air and infect you through your eyes, nose, or mouth. There’s no way to protect yourself at a bar, so it’s best to avoid. Here are the  COVID-19 Essentials You Must Carry To Ensure Safe Travel.

5. Chilling At The Beach May Not Be Totally Safe

According to a study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases found that the virus particles may travel between 8 and 26 feet. But staying 26 feet away from others, especially on crowded beaches of Goa may be a bit much to ask. And who would like to put on a mask or a sheild on the beach? Perhaps sitting at the less-concentrated edge of beachgoers, preferably far away from the crowd on a secluded beach can help. Georgia Welcomes Long Term Visitors To Work Remotely From Its Picturesque Mountains & Beaches.

Pic Credit: Oliver’s Travels

All relaxed travel bans are just a false sense of security. The truth is that despite rigorous COVID-19 tests, social distancing and mask usage, people are still vulnerable to the novel coronavirus, and spreading it, whether or not they show symptoms. Travelling right now is a slippery slope so please do it at your own risk. Till then, enjoy this virtual tour of Goa.

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or @plus.size.life.