



Harvard University Is Offering 64 Online Courses That You Can Take Up For FREE!

by Suchismita Pal
Harvard University Is Offering 64 Online Courses That You Can Take Up For FREE!

Ever thought of learning a course from the prestigious Harvard University? Now you fulfil your wishes, that too for absolutely free. Wondering how? The university is now rolling out 64 online courses that you can take up from your home at your own convenience, and you ain’t even need to pay for them. How cool is that? And guess the best part, you’ll get a ‘Verified Certificate‘ too once you complete the course. We know you’re already excited. Read on to know the deets.

What Is It?

The university is now offering courses across a plethora of subjects ranging from data science, law, literature and religion to entrepreneurship, pharmaceuticals, design and more. They are available on the popular online platform, edX. The courses are of different durations, ranging from one week to about 15 weeks. Students can choose their level of difficulty for each course from introductory, intermediate and advanced.

Here is a list of a few elaborative courses from the catalogue:

  • CS50’s Introduction to Game Development
  • CS50 for Lawyers
  • Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies
  • Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo and the Birth of Opera
  • Universal Design for Learning: A CEEL Module
  • The Architectural Imagination
  • Data Science: Capstone
  • Data Science: Wrangling
Picture Credits: 2U

Also Read: Chin Up All Photography Enthusiasts, Nikon Is Offering Free Courses For You Online!

What Else?

Imagine, you are presenting your CV to a company with the mention of Harvard University on it. Your ‘first impression’ is definitely going to be terrific that way. Or even if you put it on your LinkedIn profile, the name itself might pull in more job offers for you. One course from this list can bring a huge change in your career. Having said that, you can even take up multiple courses if you wish to.

Harvard University Website

Also Read: 6 Free Online Courses You Can Take During This Lockdown To Sharpen Your Skills

So, all ambitious fellas out there, are you ready to skim through these amazing e-learning courses? Why not pick up one right now that suits your profile? After all, this can be probably one of the best ways to make the most of the quarantine time.

To apply for these courses, click here.


First Published: April 15, 2020 7:09 PM