



Marijuana Pizza Is A Food Trend In This Country And It Is Called ‘Crazy Happy Pizza’

by Suchismita Pal
Marijuana Pizza Is A Food Trend In This Country And It Is Called ‘Crazy Happy Pizza’

How many types of pizza have you tried to date? Also, pizza is known to go really well with wines. But have you ever come across a marijuana pizza yet? Believe it or not, one of the leading food chains in Thailand makes a special kind of pizza infused with cannabis. This pizza by The Pizza Company chain is known as ‘Crazy Happy Pizza’. The pizza is prepared by deep-frying cannabis leaves. The cheese crust and dipping sauce used for the pizza also contain cannabis.

Also Read: Thai Hospital Serves Food With Cannabis Like Sandwich With Marijuana Leaf

The 9-Inch Pizza Comes For ₹1100

The ‘Crazy Happy Pizza’ of Thailand is 9 inches in size and comes for 499 baht (₹1100). If someone needs more cannabis leaves on the pizza can have them at an extra fee, which is nominal. Buyers can choose do-it-yourself pizzas and can add two to three cannabis leaves at 100 baht ( ₹222.43). The other ingredients of the pizza are inspired by Tom Yum Gai soup. The pizza was launched after Thailand allowed the use of cannabis in food and beverages in February 2021. However, recreational marijuana is still illegal in the Southeast Asian country and can even land one in jail.

Marijuana Pizza
Picture Credits: Economic Times

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The Pizza Is Available At All Outlets Of The Pizza Company

According to a report by The Free Press Journal, the general manager of the company Panusak Suensatboon said these pizzas cannot get one high. Panusak stated, “It’s just a marketing campaign and you can taste the cannabis and then if you have enough, you maybe get a bit sleepy.” So, the use of cannabis is primarily for marketing purposes.

Marijuana PizzaAlso Read: 10 Countries Where Weed Is Legal & You Can Freely Light Up A Joint

The cannabis pizza has been made available at all outlets of The Pizza Company, but as informed by Panusak, their sales have not been impressive enough. He said that as per his assumption, the market isn’t ready for cannabis products yet. Having said that, do you want to give it a shot if you’re in Thailand?



First Published: November 29, 2021 12:51 PM