



Omicron Travel Update: US Urges Citizens To Hold India Travel Plans Amid Rising COVID-19 Cases

by Suchismita Pal
Omicron Travel Update: US Urges Citizens To Hold India Travel Plans Amid Rising COVID-19 Cases

January 27, 2022: As COVID-19 cases are rising in India, the US has urged its citizens to reconsider travel plans to India now. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has put India into Level 3 of travel health recommendation. In November 2021, India was included among Level 1 countries by CDC. Now, it has been declared as a Level 3 country, owing to the increasing rate of Omicron cases. Read on to know the details.

What Are The Different Levels Of CDC For Travel Health Recommendation?

CDC has grouped countries into 5 levels, Level Unknown, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4. Level 1 countries are those with lower number of COVID-19 cases. In Level 2 countries, COVID-19 cases are moderate. In Level 3 and Level 4, COVID-19 cases are high and very high respectively.

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What Is The Travel Advisory Of CDC For Level-3 Nations?

India is now among the Level-3 countries list of CDC. The travel advisory by CDC for Level 3 countries in the official website reads, “Make sure you are fully vaccinated before traveling to these destinations. Unvaccinated travelers should avoid non-essential travel to these destinations.” The COVID-19 India section of the website states that due to the current situation in India, those travelling to the country may be at the risk of contracting COVID-19 variants and also spreading them. The advisory adds that travellers to India must wear masks and follow 6-feet social distancing.

India Travel
Picture Credits: Bloomberg.com

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India Has Reported Over 4 Crore Cases To Date

The US State Department has said in a statement that citizens fully vaccinated with an FDA authorised vaccine will have lower chances of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms. Till now, India has reported around 4.01 crore cases. Total cases reported worldwide to date have been around 36.2 crore. Meanwhile, the UK has decided to remove COVID-19 testing requirements for fully vaccinated Indians.

First Published: January 27, 2022 12:38 PM