Train Travel During The Pandemic: 6 Rules Every Passenger Must Follow

Non-essential international travel might not be possible due to the pandemic, but you can still visit your family and beautiful locations within the country if you fancy a city break. At least, in theory, travelling by train seems like a good option between taking a long car trip or getting on a disconcertingly crowded aeroplane. Moreover, you may have read about the government’s enhanced safety and cleaning measures to protect passengers during their rail journeys. But is train travel safe? Here’s what you should know before booking your trip for a safe train travel.

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1. Maintain Safe Distance In The Train Station

Apart from your behaviour inside the train, your etiquette in the station is essential. A station is usually a bustling place with the crowd coming from all over. Besides, passengers typically spend a long time waiting for their plane cooped up together. Therefore, practising social distancing at the ticket counter and while boarding can be extremely difficult. Arrive 30 minutes before departure, so you do not have to rush and enter the crowd. If someone is boarding, wait until there’s space for you to get on behind them safely. 10 Train Stations Around The World Worth Visiting At Least Once In Your Life

2. Take Your PPE To The Next Level With Face Shield

By now, we all understand that smaller airborne particles can spread the virus, so wear your face mask at all times. By wearing a face covering, we can cut transmission substantially. Only remove your mask when you want to eat or drink and place on a disinfectant surface at all times. To take your PPE to the next level, consider adding a plastic face shield to your packing list. Starbucks Man Gets ₹60 Lakhs In Tips After Refusing To Serve Woman Without Face Mask

Picture Credits: New Indian Express

3. Pack Disinfectant Wipes To Clean Surfaces

The railway officials must be sanitising the train, but it can always be a great idea to bring your own disinfectant wipes to clean the surfaces before you touch them. Sanitise your hands frequently and use sanitisers over soap and water in the public toilet. Japan Launches New Bullet Train That Rescues Passengers During An Earthquake

4. Do Not Get Up From The Seat Unless Necessary

One of the many joys of long-distance train travel includes being able to wander around and pick up snacks from the hawkers and stretch your legs. Unfortunately, wandering around the train is a bad idea right now and the foreseeable future. During the pandemic, you are safest in your seat.

Picture Credits: New Indian Express

5. Be Vocal With Rules-Violating Passengers

Sure you should be vigilant about maintaining six-foot distance. But what do you do if another passenger ends up sitting or standing in front of you? Instead of keeping your mouth shut, you politely ask them to move. If they do not listen, you should distance yourself. You would not want to risk yourself sick just because someone was unwilling to choose a different seat.

Picture Credits: DNA India

6. Avoid Crowding Near The Door

Never crowd the door when your train approaches your stop. Stay seated and wait for your turn to get off from the train. By being patient, while getting out the train, you will hopefully avoid clusters of people in aisles and at doorways. Ditch Trains & Planes, Here Are 5 Weird Modes Of Travel You Must Try

While there are ways to heed caution by rail, you may just want to drive as long as it is possible. You will not only have greater control over your environment, but you can also go a long way without coming into contact with other people. Driving might feel lonely and solitary, but during the pandemic, it can be your best bet.

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or