Trains Between Indore & Mhow Discontinued For 15 Days; Here’s Why

Trains between Indore and Mhow have been cancelled due to important projects.

by Shreya Ghosh
Trains Between Indore & Mhow Discontinued For 15 Days; Here’s Why

Attention passengers! Do you have plans to travel to Madhya Pradesh in the next 2 weeks? If yes, read this article carefully as many trains have been cancelled on a specific route of the state. Trains operating between Indore and Mhow have been paused from providing services temporarily for 15 days. To know more information about the temporary discontinuation of trains on this route in Madhya Pradesh, read on.

This Is Why Trains Between Indore And Mhow Have Been Cancelled

Trains Between Indore & Mhow
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Trains travelling on the above-mentioned route in Madhya Pradesh have been discontinued temporarily from Thursday, according to a report by The Free Press Journal. There is a significant reason behind cancelling so many trains between Indore and Mhow. Reports state that development work is going on for the Mhow-Patalpani Broad Gauge Line Project, the Mhow Yard Remodelling, and the Rau-Mhow Doubling. And the operations have been paused for these projects.

For all these necessary ongoing projects, a meeting was conducted previously. It was a meeting for 2 days of the construction department’s officials of the Ratlam division and the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS). After the decisions, the concerned department finalised 2 dates to conduct the CRS inspection.

Construction work on these developmental projects will continue as usual except for May 13. This is the voting day and that’s why the work will be paused. For long-distance trains from Mhow, the route will be from Indore and Laxmibai Nagar. Kamakhya Express, Yesvantpur, Malwa Express, Yesvantpur, Prayagraj and Rewa Express departing from Mhow will operate from Indore. The report also added that the Mhow-Bhopal Intercity will continue its journey from Indore.

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What Are The Updates On The Projects?

Trains Between Indore & Mhow
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All the construction projects are ongoing in full swing. The construction of the Mhow-Patalpani Broad Gauge Line Project and the Rau-Mhow Doubling projects are close to completion, shared an official. Mhow Railway Station is getting ready for yard remodelling as the tracks have been positioned on 1 and 4 platforms. A few steps of this project are signalling, getting rid of any additional lines, and adding the necessary ones.

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First Published: May 02, 2024 6:55 PM