



American Man Gives ₹2 Lakh Tip For A Beer Costing ₹500 To Help The Restaurant

by Sanjana Shenoy
American Man Gives ₹2 Lakh Tip For A Beer Costing ₹500 To Help The Restaurant

Good samaritans are lending a helping hand to the restaurant industry and street food vendors in not just India, but across the world. In a heartwarming incident, an American man recently tipped a whopping ₹2 lakh to a restaurant where he just had a mug of beer costing ₹500. He did this noble gesture as the restaurant was shutting down voluntarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a time where many restaurants struggle to stay afloat and follow COVID regulations, this is indeed all the encouragement anyone would need. Read on to know more.

 US Restaurant Receives ₹2 Lakh Tip From Generous Customer As It Shuts Down Due To Rising COVID Cases In City

Brendan Ring, the owner of Nighttown, a restaurant in Cleveland in the USA put out a heartwarming post on Facebook. He narrated an incident where his customer left a generous $3,000 ( ₹2,21,804) tip for a single beer costing just $7( ₹517). Ring adds in his FB post that the man told him to share the tip with his employees, who worked the brunch service on November 22.

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Picture Credits: clevescene.com

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Ring stated in his Facebook post that the man gave the tip and starting walking out of the restaurant. He thought that the customer must have made some sort of a mistake. Ring states in his FB post . “I ran after him and he said no mistake we will see you when you reopen!” He stated to media houses that he and his employees are really humbled and grateful by his kind and grand gesture.

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Picture Credits: Facebook

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Ring also told Cleveland.com “I looked down at the check, but I didn’t have my glasses on. I said, ‘Holy oh my, he just left a $300 tip.’ Then I put my glasses on and it hit my eyes. What the — it was $3,000. I ran out the door after him … He said, ‘No, I meant it. Make sure, enjoy, Merry Christmas, we’ll see you when you reopen.’” The 1965 opened jazz club and the restaurant had a heartwarming reaction on receiving this tip. The restaurant currently shuts its doors as Ohi continues to witness record high coronavirus cases. Nevertheless, this heartwarming story, like many others will surely bring a smile on your face.

First Published: November 25, 2020 3:02 PM