5 Important Things To Consider Before Travelling Overseas Again

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Most of us have been home for months now, and in between COVID-19 anxiety, trying to stay connected with family, and self-isolating, a getaway sounds very tempting right now. Cheap flights and discounted hotel deals are even more attractive when you add some cabin fever to the mix. But you probably should wait to book your next vacation abroad. However, if you are itching to take a vacation as soon as possible, this guide will answer all your questions about travelling overseas again. 

Also read: 10 Travel Tips For The Monsoons From A Mumbaikar

Picture Credits: Twitter/ Chennai (MAA) Airport

1. Stay Up To Date With The COVID Cases In The Destination Country

The situation is changing every day and do; it’s hard zero in exact date. But right now, many countries are still suffering severe coronavirus outbreaks and have extended their mandatory border closures and quarantine. To get a better feel for your travel and where and when you can go, it’s best to stay up to date every day as the situation develops.

Whenever you travel, you must take your departing location as well as your destination into consideration. For example, if you in a place where things are improving but want to travel to a destination where they’re not, consider pushing your travel dates. 8 Tips For Parents Travelling With Kid Amid The Pandemic.

Picture Credits: Twitter/Kolkata Airport

2. Check The Travel Restrictions Imposed

The European Commission has restricted most non-essential travel from third countries looking to visit the European Union area. Countries like Argentina, have also banned all travel until September. And while you can still travel to places like the UK, New Zealand, Australia, and Hawaii, you will have to self-quarantine for 14 days upon the arrival. You will also be encouraged to do the same when you return home, dedicating an entire month of your trip to self-isolation.  New Travel Restrictions To Make Maldives More Expensive.

Picture Credits: Twitter/ Delhi Airport

3. Check If You Need COVID Negative Certificate To Travel

Internationally, some destinations still require proof of a negative COVID-19 test while on others, passengers are being tested on arrival. Many have mandatory 14-day quarantines. Some countries even need you to download an app, submit a quarantine plan for approval, or get a tracking bracelet to ensure you follow the rules. Vaccination certification may in future be needed for travel, but so far the science doesn’t support “immunity passports”. 

4. Check Out The Policy Of The Airlines

If you must travel abroad anytime soon, check out airlines’ policies on refunds, insurance, seating and boarding. Some are minimising capacity and spacing passengers by having empty rows and keeping the middle seats empty. Many airlines have also announced plans to allow customers to cancel their flights if the flight goes over 70% passenger seating capacity. This International Airline Offers COVID-19 Insurance Worth ₹4.8 Crore To Get You To Travel Again.

Picture Credits: Facebook

5. Try Not To Fly Overseas With Kids

If you are thinking about flying with kids, remember there are special considerations. Getting a young child to maintain good hygiene behaviours and adhere to wearing a mask at home is hard enough; it may be impossible to do so when flying. Did you know children under two should not wear a mask? So not carrying your kids for your travels is the best thing you can do right now.

Between the possibility of a second wave of coronavirus and vaccines not being introduced until next year, health officials are recommending to avoid travelling for the time being. 

Tania Tarafdar: Tania has an unhealthy love for period dramas and a lot of opinions. But the heart wants what it wants. She and yoga are in an eternal relationship. You can see her breaking into yoga asanas in the snow-capped Alps and the Mediterranean Sea coastline. Her friends swear by her food and travel recommendations. Follow her on Instagram @cheer24*7 or @plus.size.life.