



India’s First Amputee Clinic Comes Up In Chandigarh

by Suchismita Pal
India’s First Amputee Clinic Comes Up In Chandigarh

Amputee rehabilitation is the rehabilitation a patient receives after the loss of limb or amputation to return to the highest level of function. The treatment also includes betterment of the patients’ life emotionally, physically and socially through systematic and step-by-step processes. A first-of-its-kind amputee clinic has come in Chandigarh to provide comprehensive care to post-trauma amputees. It aims to provide patient care and rehab under one roof.  The Director of Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research ( PGIMER), Chandigarh, Prof. Jagat Ram formally inaugurated India’s first amputee clinic, PGI Amputee Clinic in Chandigarh. Read on to know more.

PGI Amputee Clinic Will Provide Multidisceplenary Care And Rehab To Amputation Patients

PGIMER, Chandigarh has launched the first amputee clinic in India to enhance amputation patient care with the provision of multidisciplinary services, care and rehab under one roof. According to an Indian Express Report, PGIMER Director Prof. Jagat Ram has said, “The basic intent of this initiative is to send the amputee as a near normal functional human being to society.” He added, “Some modalities would be worked out under the initiative to extend financial support for the medical as well as rehabilitation of amputees who cannot afford the cost.” Meanwhile, the ‘Enable Travel’ startup in India offers travel services to physically challenged people. 

First Amputee Clinic India Chandigarh
Picture Credits: Verywell Health

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The Amputee Clinic Is The First-Of-Its-Kind Clinic In The Country

Prof. M S Dhillon, head, department of orthopaedics, one of the spearheaders of the initiative has also spoken about the clinic. He said, “This is the first of its kind clinic in the country and no such clinic exists elsewhere. Over the last few years, it has been our endeavour to provide comprehensive care to post-trauma amputees, with various aspects of multidisciplinary care. For the last 1.5 years, we have combined all the specialities that help in patient care and rehab under one roof; we now have formalized this as PGI Amputee Clinic, comprising specialists from various departments i.e. orthopaedics, PMR (Physical and Medical Rehabilitation), occupational/ physiotherapy, prosthetists, psychologists and nursing department, who had already been providing care, but as individual entities.”

First Amputee Clinic India Chandigarh
Picture Credits: Medical News Today

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The Care Involves Evaluation, Resuscitation, Treatment And Planned Surgical Interventions

Prof. Dhillon added, “It is an upcoming concept to provide holistic care to patients with amputation. It involves evaluation, resuscitation and treatment after the initial event (usually trauma), followed by appropriate planning and surgical interventions. The concept of the amputee clinic involves a journey proceeding from initial trauma through surgical recovery, which included physiotherapy and occupational training, fabrication and appropriate fitting of prosthesis, till the potential return of the amputee to as normal a lifestyle as possible.” Meanwhile, this supermarket in Mumbai is run by acid attack survivor Daulat Bi Khan who also employs other survivors:


First Published: February 03, 2021 1:14 PM