RRR star Jr NTR flew to Mangaluru in Karnataka with his wife Lakshmi Pranathi and his mother Shalini. The actor had a special gift to give his mother ahead of her birthday on September 2 — to visit the renowned Udupi Sri Krishna Matha in his mother’s hometown Kundapura. Read on to know why devotees revere this Lord Krishna temple and why it’s the only temple in India where devotees view the deity viewed through a window.
Jr NTR, Rishab Shetty & Prashanth Neel Visit Udupi Sri Krishna Temple
To make Jr NTR and his mother’s trip to Kundapura special, the RRR actor was accompanied by his friends, KGF director Prashanth Neel and Kantara actor Rishab Shetty. Sharing pictures with Shalini, Rishab and Prashanth on X and Instagram, Jr NTR revealed why it was a special trip for him. He wrote that it was his mother’s “forever dream” to bring him to her hometown in Kundapura to seek the blessings of Lord Krishna at Udupi Sri Krishna Matha.
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As a dutiful son, he finally made his mother’s dream come true. The icing on the cake was making this divine trip happen right before her birthday on September 2. He termed this as the best gift he could give her. Rishab Shetty’s wife Pragathi Shetty and Prashanth Neel’s wife Likitha also accompanied them. The trio tucked into a delightful meal served on a banana leaf at the temple and also clicked pictures at the Udupi Krishna Matha.
Deity Viewed Through A Window
Udupi Sri Krishna Matha in Kundapura is an important pilgrimage site for Lord Krishna devotees in South India. The deity is depicted as a small boy or Balakrishna at the temple. It is believed that Kanakadasa an ardent devotee of Lord Krishna was forbidden to enter the temple due to his low caste.
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Undaunted, he went behind the temple and worshipped the Lord through a small crack in the wall. Pleased with his devotion, the deity turned around and gave him darshan. To date, devotees view the deity at Udupi Krishna Temple through a 9-holed window called Navagraha Kitiki, constructed on the cracked wall. The statue of Saint Kanakadasa sits adjacent.
Also Read: 7 Beaches In Udupi That Are Should Be On Your List
Like Jr NTR and Rishab Shetty, are you looking forward to visiting this temple in Udupi?
Cover Image Courtesy: rishabshettyofficial/ Instagram
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