Exploring Al Balad & Al Baik In Jedadah, Saudi Arabia Ft. Kamiya Jani

Jeddah is popularly known as the Gateway to Mecca and is the second-largest city in Saudi Arabia. And this time we are exploring this extraordinary city of Saudi Arabia with our local guide Abdulasiz. Well he took us everywhere and I think now we know about Jeddah more than a local would. JK. From the historical neighborhood and UNESCO World Heritage Site in Jeddah called ‘Al-Balad,’ to the very popular restaurant chain that has taken over the Middle East like a storm, Al Baik, we explored everything that Jeddah had to offer. We saw the Red Sea Coast, then headed to the Central Fish Markets where the fishes from the Red Sea Coast are sold and finally ended up eating a delicious fish meal at one of the oldest restaurants in Jeddah. So yes, we came full circle! So go watch the entire video and know more about Jeddah in this episode of In Your Neighborhood with Kamiya Jani. Let us know if you've been here before?...
     •    S1 E5     •     546

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