From Pantry To Skincare Routine, Top Kitchen Ingredients For Glowing Skin Revealed By Poll

Kitchen staples are revolutionising natural beauty routines!

by Mallika Khurana
From Pantry To Skincare Routine, Top Kitchen Ingredients For Glowing Skin Revealed By Poll

As the summer sun beams down, illuminating our days with its radiant warmth, our skin often bears the brunt of increased exposure. Enter Gen Z, the trendsetters and innovators of today, who are crafting skincare solutions not in labs, but in their very own kitchens. Driven by a desire for natural, effective, and eco-friendly alternatives, they are rediscovering age-old remedies that promise to keep their skin glowing and healthy. Let’s explore the results of a recent poll that reveals the top DIY skincare ingredients preferred by Gen Z. This poll by Hunch, a popular social discovery app, revealed why these kitchen staples are becoming the new must-haves for radiant skin.

Hunch Poll Reveals Gen Z’s Skincare Ingredients For Radiant Skin

Photo Credits: Canva

Gen Z is turning to their kitchen pantries for skincare solutions that are as natural as they are effective. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of DIY skincare and discover the kitchen staples that are stealing the spotlight!

  • Multani Mitti (Fuller’s Earth)

With an impressive 46.1% of the votes, Multani Mitti emerges as the undisputed champion among Gen Z for DIY skincare. Known for its deep cleansing and skin-nourishing properties, Multani Mitti is cherished for its ability to purify pores and refresh skin.

  • Haldi (Turmeric)

With 31.1% of the votes, Haldi takes second place. This vibrant spice is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. It’s a go-to for combating acne, reducing redness, and achieving a radiant complexion.

  • Besan (Gram Flour)

Garnering 13.4% of the votes, besan is a powerhouse in exfoliation. It gently removes dead skin cells and impurities, revealing smoother, brighter skin underneath.

  • Honey And Banana

These sweet treats for the skin captured 9.4% of the votes collectively. Honey, a natural humectant, locks in moisture for supple skin. Meanwhile, bananas, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, help maintain elasticity and fight signs of ageing.

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Insightful Details From The Poll

Photo Credits: Canva

Gen Z’s inclination towards kitchen-based skincare underscores a growing preference for natural, chemical-free alternatives. Each ingredient they choose offers a unique set of benefits, from deep cleansing and hydration to anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties.

DIY skincare certainly empowers Gen Z to experiment with and personalise their skincare routines according to their specific needs and preferences. Utilising kitchen staples not only promotes healthier skin but also supports sustainability by reducing reliance on packaged products.

The Hunch poll highlights how Gen Z is redefining skincare by embracing age-old remedies from their kitchens. From Multani Mitti’s deep cleansing prowess to turmeric’s brightening effects, these ingredients are trendy and effective in achieving radiant, healthy skin. 

As the summer heats up, these DIY hacks are poised to keep Gen Z glowing confidently, all while staying true to their natural roots.

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva

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