



Hotels In Maharashtra Allowed To Operate At 100% Capacity; No Update On Restaurants Yet

by Suchismita Pal
Hotels In Maharashtra Allowed To Operate At 100% Capacity; No Update On Restaurants Yet

The Maharashtra government has issued the ‘Unlock 4’ guidelines for the state. As per the new guidelines, hotels and lodges in Maharashtra can now operate with full capacity. However, bars, swimming pools, cinema halls, schools and colleges will continue to remain shut.  On August 31, extending the Mission Begin Again order, the Department of Revenue and Forest, Disaster Management, Relief and Rehabilitation has informed that bars will remain closed across the state but hotels can function with 100 percent capacity. Read on to know the details.

Hotels In Maharashtra To Operate With 100 Percent Capacity, New Protocols To Be Issued For The Same

As per the new government order on Unlock 4, hotels and lodges in Maharashtra can function with 100 percent capacity. The state will issue separate Standard Operating Procedures ( SOPs) for these hotels. Till now, hotels in the state were operating with 33 percent capacity.

Hotels In Maharashtra
Picture Credits: Oyster

According to The Economic Times report, Pradeep Shetty, vice president, Hotel and Restaurant Association of Western India (HRAWI), said, “While increasing the capacity for hotels is a welcome move, bars stay shut. Restaurants were previously specifically mentioned in the negative list and are not mentioned anymore. So, according to us, restaurants are open. However, we will seek clarifications from the government at the earliest.” On the contrary, Anurag Katriar, president of NRAI is considering the order as a status quo for restaurants. He said, “Cases are substantial in the state. Currently, only takeaways and deliveries are allowed for restaurants. There is no mention of restaurants in the order so we think it is status quo for us.” Also, did you know that Mumbai’s Taj hotels will now receive around 60% energy from solar power?

Also Read: This 52,000 Year Old Lake Is One Of Maharashtra’s Best-Kept Secrets

Metro Rails Not Allowed To Operate In Maharashtra

The new Unlock 4 order by the Centre has stated that metro rails can operate in a graded manner from September 7. While Delhi and Karnataka are ready to resume metro services, Maharashtra has extended its ban on metro rails. The new guidelines have also banned large social, political, entertainment, sports, cultural, academic and religious gatherings. Theatres, cinema halls, schools, colleges, coaching centres, entertainment parks, assembly halls, bars and auditoriums will continue to remain closed. Online learnings will be permitted and encouraged for students. The government has also lifted restrictions on the inter-district movement of persons and goods.

Hotels In Maharashtra
Picture Credits: Metro Rail News

Also Read: Visapur Fort In Maharashtra Has A Staircase Waterfall Monsoon Is The Best Time To Visit

At present, Maharashtra has nearly 7,81,000 coronavirus cases with 24,399 deaths. The total number of confirmed cases in India has reached a whopping 3.69 million. The lockdown relaxations are being given to revive the country’s economy. However, to put the virus at bay, we must continue adhering to the guidelines of social distancing and stay indoors as much as possible. Meanwhile, here’s a virtual tour of Mumbai from the comfort of your home:






First Published: September 01, 2020 12:07 PM