



Switzerland Rated As The Safest Country For Travellers In 2020

by Sanjana Shenoy
Switzerland Rated As The Safest Country For Travellers In 2020

When it comes to listing countries on our bucket list, Switzerland always makes it to the top. The majestic snow-clad mountains, sumptuous cheese, milky chocolates have a special place in our heart. And now there is one more interesting news about everyone’s favourite European destination. Switzerland has been ranked as the safest country in the world for 2020 by the travel insurance comparison website, Insurly. The website developed the 2020 Ranking of the World’s Safest Countries and Switzerland is perched right at the top.

What’s In It?

Insurly analysed countries on a number of parameters including the quality of healthcare systems, frequency of natural disasters and levels of violent crime and terrorist threat. Switzerland received an impressive score of 93.4 out of 100. This indicates that travellers can be assured of the country’s amazing score for transport risks, which is 98 out of 100. Four criteria were taken into consideration which is the annual number of tourists injured or killed on roads and also the prevalence of airlines on the European Commission’s blacklist.


The country received an overall score of 93.4 out of 100. This means that the travellers can be assured of Switzerland’s excellent score for transport risks (98 out of 100). In the evaluation, the firm took four criteria into consideration, the annual number of tourists killed or injured on roads as well as the prevalence of airlines on the European Commission’s blacklist. The higher the score, the more efficient is the transport system or safer is the person.

Also Read: 5 Tips To Visit Switzerland On A Budget

What’s More?

Singapore was ranked second place on the list with 92.7 out of 100. This makes Singapore the safest Asian country as the risk of natural disasters is 93 out of 100. The third place was taken by Norway which got an overall score of 91.1 out of 100. The gorgeous Scandinavian country could have got the first spot easily. But there were risks of violence in Norway with 75 out of 100 as compared to 98 for 100 transport risks and 95 out of 100 for health care.

In this list, the three countries considered the riskiest for travellers are- South Sudan having an overall score of just 14.8 out of 100, the Democratic Republic of Congo with an overall score of 15.4 out of 100 and the Central African Republic having an overall score of 21. The top 10 safest countries in the world for 2020 are Switzerland, Singapore, Norway, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Iceland, Denmark, Portugal, Finland and Japan. So if you’re planning to go for a solo trip, you can go befikar to these gorgeous countries. When you go to Switzerland, you can Sleep Under The Stars here

First Published: February 20, 2020 6:37 PM