



Flavonoids Slow Aging And Boost Brain Health; 8 Food Items Rich In Flavonoids To Add To Your Diet

These food items rich in flavonoids should be included in your daily diet.

by Vaidehi Joshi
Flavonoids Slow Aging And Boost Brain Health; 8 Food Items Rich In Flavonoids To Add To Your Diet

Numerous fruits, vegetables, and other plant items include a class of chemicals called flavonoids. Consuming foods that contain flavonoids may offer a number of health advantages, according to research. Thus, they can also be found in plant-based items like chocolate, wine, and tea. Read on to find out more about such food items that are rich in flavonoids.

What Exactly Do Flavonoids Do? 

rich in flavonoid
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Although researchers are still learning how flavonoids function, they may have anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, and anticancer properties in addition to acting as an antioxidant. Flavonoids can help shield cells from dangerous substances because of all these properties. The antioxidant qualities of flavonoids are among their most talked-about advantages. Accordingly, flavonoid chemicals have the ability to neutralise dangerous cells that could harm the body in a variety of ways.

Flavonoids are occasionally utilised in cancer treatments because they can also stop cell proliferation. Many manufacturers use them in cosmetics and anti-ageing goods, and they are an essential component of many medications and therapies for specific diseases.

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Choose These Items That Are Rich In Flavonoids

rich in flavonoids
Image Credits: Canva Pro

1. Tea: Flavanols, a kind of flavonoid, is abundant in green, black, and oolong teas.

2. Berries: Anthocyanidins, another kind of flavonoid, are especially abundant in blueberries, cranberries, and blackberries.

3. Dark chocolate: Choose dark chocolate that has a high cocoa content since it contains a lot of flavanols.

4. Citrus fruits: Flavanones are a kind of flavonoid found in oranges, grapefruits, and lemons.

5. Red Wine: Flavanols are found in red wine, however because of its high alcohol level, it should only be drunk seldom.

6. Apples and Onions: These are two foods that are also high in flavonoids.

7. Soy products: Soybeans include a form of flavonoid called isoflavones, which can be found in edamame, tofu, and tempeh. 

Increasing the intake of foods high in flavonoids, such red wine, apples, blueberries, and tea, may be an easy way to promote healthy ageing. Significantly, the data indicates that preventing mental and physical deterioration, particularly in women, may depend on sustaining or increasing flavonoid intake over time rather than just habitual intake.

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A research that appeared in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition claims that consuming three servings of flavonoid-rich foods daily could reduce the risk of frailty, physical disability, and poor mental health in women by 6–11%. And the risk of poor mental health in men by 15%. This demonstrates a realistic and doable dietary approach to promote ageing in a healthy manner.

Cover Image Credits: Canva Pro

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First Published: February 21, 2025 2:49 PM