



Madhya Pradesh Tourism Promotes ‘Caravans’ To Explore The Heart Of India In COVID Times

by Natasha Monteiro
Madhya Pradesh Tourism Promotes ‘Caravans’ To Explore The Heart Of India In COVID Times

In a bid to welcome tourists again in COVID and post COVID times, Madhya Pradesh Tourism is promoting the concept of luxury caravans that can be booked directly through a toll free number. While the concept of caravan tourism in Madhya Pradesh is not new and has been running for the past two years, it suddenly makes a lot more sense in the current times as the caravan ensures a certain amount of safety and isolation, even as you can still travel and explore MP. Well, I decided to call the toll free number and here are all the details you need to know about this innovative idea. But, first do take a look at the Insta video posted by MP Tourism.


Caravans By Madhya Pradesh Tourism

The central government of India has released its Lockdown 5.0 plan and as per the new plan, as of June 8th hotels and restaurants will be open across the country (However, individual governments will have the discretion to deem when an industry can be opened.) Take a look at Maharashtra Lockdown 5.0 Guidelines; What’s Allowed & What’s Not.

While several states are still figuring how to boost tourism again, Madhya Pradesh has re-introduced their concept of caravans. Not only does this ensure social distancing, but you can also travel and explore at your own timings, whims and fancies. I decided to call the toll free number given on their Insta post – 18002337777 – and find out more details. I connected with Rohit Nanhate on a telephonic interview from the MP Tourism team and here’s what he had to say:

Curly Tales: We heard that MP Tourism is promoting caravans. By when can it start?
MP Tourism: As per the central government’s orders, hotels & restaurants in Madhya Pradesh will resume on 8th June. We also have permission to resume caravan services on 8th June.

Curly Tales: Is the Caravan services a new idea by MP Tourism through COVID-19 times or have there always been caravans?
MP Tourism: We have been running caravans for close to 2 years now. However, in the current times, it makes a lot of sense to rent a caravan as it encourages a certain degree of social isolation.

Curly Tales: Do you have a rate card that can be shared?
MP Tourism: We do not have a rate card that can be shared. To find out the cost and availability of the caravans, you have to call the toll free number 18002337777 and we will arrange everything for you on call.

Curly Tales: What is the cost for these caravans?
MP Tourism: The caravan is charged at 60/km + GST. This is inclusive of fuel cost and a driver. For the night, you have 2 options: You can choose to stay in a hotel of your choice or spend the night in the caravan itself at 3000 per night.

Curly Tales: Oh, a driver will also be provided. Will this driver also act like a guide?
MP Tourism: No, the drivers are not official tour guides. However, they have been driving along the routes for a while and are aware of all the tourist spots, best places to eat & best routes to take.

Curly Tales: What is the capacity of the caravan?
MP Tourism: The caravan is quite spacious and comfortable. The seating capacity within this home on wheels is 12 people. The sleeping capacity is for 8 people.

Curly Tales: What are the features of the caravan?
MP Tourism: 
Each caravan comes equipped with AC, two televisions, 8 sofa cum beds, a clean bathroom & toilet, a fridge, microwave, hydraulic cooking stove & gas, camping gear, dvd player, locker facility. WiFi is also available on board.

Curly Tales: Where can the caravans be picked up from?
MP Tourism: 
The starting point of the caravan is from the garage in Bhopal. However, that being said, the caravan can pick you up from anywhere in India and will drop you back anywhere in India. Charges will be levied from the starting point in Bhopal @60/km + GST to your pick up point, your entire tour, your drop point to the final garage point in Bhopal. Most customers prefer coming to the pick up point in Bhopal.

Curly Tales: What are the measure being taken by MP Tourism to ensure COVID care through the journey?
MP Tourism:
Well, to be honest this is a first for us too so while we will be taking certain measures, no fixed guidelines have been put in place yet. The things that will compulsorily be done is a thermal screening of all passengers & the driver before boarding the bus. As of now, we are not sure of the thermal gun will be carried by every driver to check on the passengers daily or if stops will have to be made at Govt hotels registered under MP tourism for the thermal screening. Our procedures for this is still a little unclear and we are working on ensuring maximum safety of the passengers.

Well, I sure hope that the government figures its COVID safety measures as soon as possible, because caravans might just become the future of tourism. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

First Published: June 02, 2020 12:34 PM