The Netherlands is one of the most breathtaking countries in the world! It has a rich history and culture and its beauty is well-known throughout the world. Recently, a professional photographer from the Netherlands shared mind-blowingly stunning pictures of the iconic Dutch Tulips. He took many photographs of Tulips in the Netherlands, each one more breathtaking than the last, and shared them all. Albert Dros is a professional photographer from the Netherlands. He shared the photographs on Instagram and we’re in love!
Photographer Captures Photos Of Tulips In The Netherlands
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These stunning photographs are all over his Instagram account and they’re simply marvellous! Elsewhere, he talked about how, because of his work as a professional photographer, he is used to travelling all over the world. However, getting to capture the beauty of the Netherlands was something special as it is also his homeland.
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The sun looks like a halo around the tulip and makes it look divine!
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This is, hands down, the single most awe-inspiring photograph to have ever been captured! The effect lightning has in the photo cannot be put into words! We only wonder what it must have been like to see this scenario live in front of your eyes!
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Yes, the photos are still of earth and not of heaven. But if you wake up to this view every day, we’re sure that the two wouldn’t be so different after all.
Also Read: Love Amsterdam? Utrecht, Netherlands Is Way Cheaper And As Beautiful As Venice of the North!
Aerial Images Look Like Colourful Strokes Of Paint
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The photographer also managed to capture the view from the air and boy is it beautiful!
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The photos from the drone look like paint-brush strokes and we cannot get enough of these photos!
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The windmill makes the entire view look like something out of a Studio Ghibli film or a quaint fairytale town!
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This photographer clearly has skills and the photographs he has shared have made our day! Now we really cannot wait to get to the Netherlands and experience this mystical and magical view for ourselves!
Also Read: Team India & Family Explore Sydney Before Their Match Against Netherlands
Would you want to witness this breathtaking view in person? Let us know in the comments below!
Cover Image Credits: @albertdrosphotography/Instagram
First Published: May 15, 2023 3:54 PM