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Nine foods are banned in UAE schools, thanks to the ministry of education’s new rule. Parents are also urged to comply with the new guidelines.
What’s It?
Nine foods were recently banned from being sold in the UAE school canteens. The ministry of education released a list of food items banned in the UAE schools. In January this year, nine food items were identified to have harmful effects on children. The list was circulated to schools across the UAE and canteens were banned from selling these foods.
Here are the nine foods:
1. Hot dogs and processed meats
2. Instant noodles, as a result of its high fat and sodium content and artificial flavours
3. Chocolate bars, both with and without nuts
4. Chocolate spreads, for its high fat and sugar content and artificial flavours
5. Sweets, lollipops and jelly
6. All peanut products, to avoid allergic reactions
7. All potato chips and corn chips
8. Carbonated drinks, including energy drinks, flavoured water, juice, iced teas, slushies and eskimo drinks
9. All cream cakes and doughnuts for their high fat and sugar content and artificial colours
The new rules were formulated according to the global health standards, in order to mould the dietary needs of the students. The ministry also urged parents to refrain from sending any of the above listed foods to school.
First Published: May 25, 2019 12:02 PM