



Shimla Battles Water Crisis, Tourists Asked To Stay Away

by Tushal Kukreja
Shimla Battles Water Crisis, Tourists Asked To Stay Away

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For decades now Shimla has been a go to vacation spot for us; however this year we might have to rethink over our vacation spots since Shimla is suffering from water crisis.

What Is It?

Shimla is facing an acute water crisis and local residents of the hill state are not happy about it. The residents are outraged and one of them said “There is no water for us, please do not come here and select some other destination,” the residents also claim that water is being diverted mostly to the VIP areas and big hotels. The Shimla Municipal Corporation has taken immediate action and has pressed into service fourteen water tankers and eight pick-up vehicles. Areas which are facing the worst crisis are Kasumpati, Chhota Shimla, Vikasnagar, Patyog, Kangna Dhar, New Shimla and Panthaghati. Hoteliers in Shimla have admitted there have been cancellations at the peak of the tourist season.

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First Published: June 05, 2018 11:56 AM