The Smallest Republic Of The World Has Constitution Written In Sanskrit, Pali And Hindi

by Shreya Ghosh
The Smallest Republic Of The World Has Constitution Written In Sanskrit, Pali And Hindi

The world is full of so many fascinating facts; sometimes it feels like it is out of our clasp. Have you ever heard that a republic has about only 7000 residents? Being Indian, we cannot even think of this. Here, we are talking about Uzupis, the smallest republic of the world. Welcoming you to the Uzupis, the neighborhood of Vilnius and interestingly a country within a city. It was April Fool’s Day (1st April) in 1997 when it self-declared itself to be an independent republic with its very own flag, constitution, president, an army of 12 people, and passport too. In fact, the smallest republic of the world is standing on less than 1 sq km. 

Constitution Of The Smallest Republic Of The World

The Angel of Uzupis, situated in the town square, is a sign of the artistic freedom of the place. Just a short walk away, there is the world’s most unique constitution on the wall of Paupio Street. Constructed on golden plates, this constitution has 41 clauses, depicting the democratic epitome of a republic. A whopping 39 various languages have been used to construct and write the constitution. Three Indian languages; Sanskrit Hindi and Pali are 3 of these 39 different languages. It is quite eye-opening to see a constitution having clauses like ‘Everyone has the right to be happy’ and ‘Everyone has the right to be unhappy’. Without any doubt, this constitution is probably the smallest and also the most distinctive in the world. Another enthralling fact about Uzupis’s constitution is that they are designed in such a process that the readers can see their own reflection on it.

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The Streets Of Uzupis Speak Democracy And Freedom

In this small land, one can travel throughout to see some quirky things and entities. The sculptor Romas Vilciauskas built the Angel of Uzupis, situated in the center of the republic. This significant symbol of Uzupis was created in the memory of animator and caricaturist Zenonas Šteinys. 

The streets of Uzupis speak democracy and freedom. Their street arts and graffiti reflect the same. Uzupis’ art gallery is a great tourist spot to see some eccentricities like ‘Jesus as a backpacker’. Stange, right? Every place has its own story and this was of Uzupis’. 

Likewise every other country, India has its own story too. We are unknown to so many things and interesting facts about India. Check out this video to learn more about India.

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First Published: April 05, 2022 11:04 AM