Travelling is fun, liberating and it helps you feel free. However- while travelling is everything nice one cannot deny that there are some downsides to travelling. And one of the downsides of travel is the emission of carbon dioxide, and flight are contributors to that. Air travel accounts for more than 2.5 per cent of the world’s CO2 emissions. And if you are someone who wants to cut back on your carbon footprint without compromising on travel, then this travel company has something for you. Read on to know more.
Now Travel For 80-Days In Cargo Ships And Trains Across The World
Britain’s Responsible Travel Company has come up with a package which includes travelling across the world via trains and cargo ship. Yep, it’s an 11-week ‘Flight-free’ adventure, where you get to visit parts of Europe, North America and Asia, travelling from the UK to Switzerland, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan and China.
The Trip Cost Per Person Starts At AED 92,000
While this sounds fun, it comes to whopping cost as well. The trip starts from $25,250 and includes all trains and boat journeys, accommodation, transfers and sightseeing options listed on the itinerary. Some meals are also included. Speaking about this one-of-its-kind experience, the Responsible Travel’s website said,
“Times have changed since Jules Verne sent Phileas Fogg away on his fictional journey around the world in 80 days. But the desire to discover new places and to experience new cultures is stronger now than ever. On this special tribute to the legendary Phileas, we take you on a remarkable journey to explore amazing cities, travel through stunning landscapes and meet lots of friendly people along the way. We’ve replaced steamships and hot air balloons with comfortable long-distance trains.”
Keeping the current pandemic situation in mind, the tour isn’t scheduled to begin until 2021, according to the UK paper, The Independent. Responsible Travel was founded in 2001, and since the company has focused on options such as kayaking through Sweden, South African safaris using local companies only, and volunteering trips to preserve turtles in Costa Rica. Furthermore, it also pledges to avoid creating packages using large cruise ships, elephant rides, dolphin and orca shows, and zoos.
First Published: June 18, 2021 1:12 PM