



Facing Issues While Travelling On A Train? Dial This Helpline Number By Indian Railways

by Shreya Ghosh
Facing Issues While Travelling On A Train? Dial This Helpline Number By Indian Railways

Indian Railways are initiating new facilities every now and then to make the passengers’ journey easy, simple, and convenient. Still, there arises many instances when some passengers end up facing various problems during their train journeys. There are several helpline numbers and contact options that can help them to find the solutions to the issues. But there is no need to call different numbers anymore as Indian Railways now has a specific helpline number that works for all kinds of inquiries, facilities, and services.

Note This Helpline Number By Indian Railways!

Indian railways
Picture credit- Canva

Any time any passenger needs any assistance from the Indian Railways, make sure to call the helpline number “139”. Now the railways have made this designated helpline number for all sorts of help, be it for complaints, any services, or if someone has any questions. Make sure you save this helpline number right now so that you can use it in case you face any problem the next time you are travelling on a train.

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Apart from the helpline number, passengers can also use “railmadad@rb.railnet.gov.in” for any sort of help and assistance during their train journeys. Another source of help is using the UMANG app on mobile phones. This app helps to get access to the “Rail Madad Application”, according to a report by Zee Business.

A crucial point to note here is that the helpful number “182” is still active. This number helps the passengers in case of any criminal activities and stealing incidents.

How Does The Helpline Number 139 Help The Passengers?

Indian railways
Picture credit- Canva

Except for the times when passengers come across any theft cases or criminal instances, the helpline number 139 will be of massive assistance all the time. A passenger can dial this number during all these instances:

  • One can file a complaint regarding any incident on the train.
  • By dialling this helpline number, passengers can file a complaint related to any station.
  • This helpline number also helps to file a complaint or an inquiry in case anything happens with any parcel. They need to lodge the complaint within 30 days of the occurrence.
  • Lastly, it helps in keeping track of complaints as well.

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Make sure to share this story so that everyone gets to know about this important helpline number by Indian railways. This number can be of major assistance to anyone and everyone travelling on trains.

Cover Image Courtesy: Canva

First Published: May 07, 2023 7:11 PM