



Ketchup Flavoured Ice Cream Is The Latest Food Trend To Disgust The Internet

by Sanjana Shenoy
Ketchup Flavoured Ice Cream Is The Latest Food Trend To Disgust The Internet

Does mixing savoury with dessert really give you the best of both worlds? Okay, we’re game for ice cream flavours like Guava Chilli or Chocolate Chilli. Perhaps, Pani Puri too. But how about Masala Dosa ice cream? A street food vendor actually crushed masala dosa and prepared ice cream rolls out of it. If that’s got you all squeamish,  then, wait there’s more. Ketchup flavoured ice cream is the latest food trend. And it might drive away both ice cream and ketchup lovers. Here’s all about it.

Content Creator Prepares Ketchup Flavoured Ice Cream

We came across a viral video of ketchup-flavoured ice cream. Let’s tell you, it doesn’t look appealing at all. This video was posted by a blogger on his Instagram page@kyleistook. To prepare this unusual ice cream, he whisks milk, Heinz tomato ketchup, cream and sugar. Next, he adds the mixture in the ice cream churner. Once it’s ready, the blogger drizzles more tomato ketchup and gives it a good mix. Finally, he layers the ice cream into a tub and freezes it.

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Eats It With Sausages

The pink-hued ice cream is ready to consume. The blogger adds three scoops of the funky ice cream and relishes it with sausages. The verdict? Well, he smiles first. And then almost hides away his squeamish expression. It’s not good. And we probably guessed it. The video uploaded by @kyleistook went viral on Instagram. It garnered over 3.1 million views and 46,000 likes. Netizens flooded the comments section. They asked him, why he prepared the ketchup-flavoured ice cream in the first place. It obviously won’t taste good. Meanwhile, Curly Tales tried out the weirdest food combinations.

First Published: September 09, 2022 1:05 PM