A large number of passengers board trains in India every day. Lakhs of people travel to nearby and far away places on trains. Unfortunately, we see daily instances when some people end up missing their trains. Without getting nervous or purchasing a new ticket, there are ways to board a train using the same ticket. How is it possible to travel with the same ticket after missing the previous train?
You Can Use Your Ticket To Travel In The Next 2 Days After Missing A Train

Missing trains is a common issue faced by many. But there is no need to book another ticket and board the next train. Instead, there are rules by the Indian Railways that allow passengers to use the same ticket and travel, that too without spending anything extra to extend its validity. Passengers can extend the date of travel and board a train within the next 2 days. But to do all these, some rules need to be followed.
If you ever come across such a situation, contact the ticket collector and let him/her know all about the incident. He/she can assist you in getting a fresh ticket so that you can board another train within the given period and travel towards your destination.
Regulations of the Indian Railways state that the duration of a break journey from a station is valid for 2 days. Also, it does not include the dates of arriving and departing, according to a report by News 24 Online. Another important rule of Indian Railways is that it does not allow break journeys in suburban sections using single-journey tickets.
Also read: “Total ₹6,000 Lost” Kanpur Man Takes Ola After Train Gets Delayed By 9 Hrs Due To Fog
You Can Even Take A Break While Travelling
Do you get tired of sitting inside the train while covering long distances? Well, you might be surprised to know that you can actually take a small break on a train using a single journey ticket. But for that, you need to cover a distance of over 500 km. Only after travelling 500 km, you can get the first break. You can even take 2 breaks en route if the overall distance exceeds 1000 km.
Also read: “Stood At Gate” Passenger With Confirmed Ticket Couldn’t Reach His Seat In Overcrowded Train
Did you know of these regulations by Indian Railways?
Cover Image Courtesy: Canva
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First Published: January 04, 2024 2:29 PM