Bengaluru Woman Makes 1 kg Kimchi As Welcome Gift For Tenant; Wants ‘Best Landlord Award’!

by Sanjana Shenoy
Bengaluru Woman Makes 1 kg Kimchi As Welcome Gift For Tenant;  Wants ‘Best Landlord Award’!

At a time when Bengaluru landlords are being infamous on social media for bizarre demands like CVs, and class 12th mark sheets from potential tenants, one landlord is going viral for all a pleasantly surprising reason. A woman from Bengaluru recently took to Twitter to share a story of how she went out of the way to make her new tenant feel welcome.

Bengaluru Landlord Prepares Kimchi As Welcome Gift For Tenant

Sanskriti Bist, a freelance food stylist and a photographer from Bengaluru recently took to her Twitter account @squibsters to share a heartwarming anecdote. The Bengaluru landlord tweeted two pictures. The first of a fully-finished vessel of kimchi. And the second a vessel filled with crisp lettuce.

The woman supplemented her pictures with a caption. Here, she says she made a 1 kg batch of kimchi— a Korean side dish made with spiced, fermented cabbage— and later stored it in the fridge for her tenant, before sub-letting her apartment to him. And then, Sanskriti asks if she can apply for a ‘best landlord award’.

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In no time her delicious tweet went viral, garnering 43.6k views. While many appreciated her kind gesture, one person asked her what if he didn’t like the Korean dish. For this, the Bengaluru woman said that he said he liked kimchi in passing. So, she decided to prepare the Korean condiment for him. Another Twitterati asked her for the kimchi recipe. The food stylist said she refers to Maangchi.

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Tweeple Share Sweet Landlord-Tenant Stories

Her tweet resulted in a heartwarming thread where Tweeple shared their kind landlord-tenant stories. One person complimented his landlord for not raising the rent for the past four years. A person commented that when she first moved into her Bengaluru house with her husband, as a newly-married couple, the landlord welcomed them with dinner and gifts.

But there were many more who wanted to become her tenant and even asked her about the rent and if there is space for another tenant.

Are you touched by this Bengaluru woman’s kind gesture towards her tenant? What’s the kindest thing your landlord has done for you?

Cover Image Courtesy: @squibsters/ Twitter