



Divorce Rates In China Rise As Couples Spend More Time Together In Isolation Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak

by Sanjana Shenoy
Divorce Rates In China Rise As Couples Spend More Time Together In Isolation Amidst Coronavirus Outbreak

Apart from an awful coronavirus outbreak, China has now witnessed a peculiar case where divorce rates have risen tremendously after couples spent more time together in isolation due to the virus. Registrar offices across China have stated that divorce rates in the country have risen significantly as couples are spending too much time together at home during coronavirus self-isolation. Lu Shijun, the manager of a marriage registry in Dazhou, Sichuan Province of south-western China revealed that 300 couples have scheduled appointments for divorce since 24th February.

Picture Credits: indiatvnews.com

What’s In It?

Lu Shijun stated that the divorce rate in the district has soared compared to the time before the coronavirus outbreak. He added that young people are spending alot of time at home, which might lead to heated arguments between them because of petty reasons, causing them to rush for a divorce. However, another reason for the sharp increase in divorce requests can be due to the council offices closing for nearly a month during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Marriage registration offices Xi’an of Shaanxi Province in north-western China has witnessed an unprecedented rise of divorce appointments since reopening on 1st March. According to a registration officer, one office received 14 divorce requests in a day, hitting the upper limit set by the local council. The number of divorce appointments has been adjusted to include 10 couples a day by the Officials in Fuzhou, Fujian Province of southern China, to accommodate the overwhelming amount of requests.

Picture Credits: 1stnews.com

What’s More?

It’s been quite some time that scientists have been debating if spending time in close quarters can be beneficial for couples. In fact, a 2018 study revealed that couples who stayed together before marriage had lower divorce rates in the first year, in comparison to couples who didn’t. But higher divorce rates were noticed amongst couples who had been living with their spouses for five years or longer. And yet another research found that living together could protect lovers against getting a divorce. The coronavirus epidemic has forced couples in China to say in close quarters with each other under quarantine. And officials in China and marriage registrar offices believe that due to this reason, couples might have gotten into heated arguments and filed for divorce. Here’s the Real Life Account Of Tanvi & Her 9-Month-Old Daughter Caught In The Coronavirus Outbreak In China

What Do We Think?

Well, as they say, sometimes it takes lifetime to know a person. And when you’re stuck at home with your partner having nothing to do and nowhere to go it can be quite frustrating. And this is not just in China. In India, the Government Orders Closure Of All Schools, Colleges, Gyms Across India Till March 31st

Picture Credits: livemint.com

So this means many of us might be working from home and might be staying at home with our families, within the four walls of our homes. But this is the time we each find our silver lining. This is the time we pause for a second, and use this time to get closer to our spouses, children and spend quality time with them. Yes, it can be frustrating but it can also be a blessing. So maybe it’s time you get to know your partner better, resolve conflicts through heartfelt conversations and take each day as a blessing, while giving at most importance to your safety and health.

First Published: March 17, 2020 1:11 PM