



Indian Stand Up Comedian Reacts To Eternal Construction In Andheri East, Talks About How Nothing Has Been Built Even After 20 Years

Today we talk about Andheri East & how aesthetic its debris is.

by Vaidehi Joshi
Indian Stand Up Comedian Reacts To Eternal Construction In Andheri East, Talks About How Nothing Has Been Built Even After 20 Years

If you live in Mumbai, chances are you’ve suffered through the nightmare that traffic in the city is. Andheri can arguably be called the epicentre of horrible infrastructure management. Going anywhere in Andheri East after 6 is not for the weak. Illegal construction, signals that don’t function and dug-up roads at every corner greet you the minute you enter the area. Many have expressed these woes on social media. Recently, Azeem Banatwalla’s reel on this from a comedy set has been making the rounds. 

Azeem Banatwalla & The Andheri East Aesthetic


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Azeem shares a conversation he had with his cab driver about the construction in Andheri East. As he talks about this eternal construction in the area, he comments on how nothing seems to actually be constructed. His cab driver corrects him by pointing out that everything actually has been constructed. Everything from concrete roads, the Metro and the airport bridge– it has all been built! Azeem realises that Andheri East is complete.

The comedian goes on to say how all this is an active ‘design choice’ made by the administration. He termed the debris on the roads, buildings that are falling apart and the potholes as ‘apocalypse chic’. He ends the joke by calling it all an art installation. 

Also Read: Mumbai Metro Line 2A: Stampede-Like Situation On Andheri West After Sudden Access Shutdown Till DN Nagar; Watch

Netizens React To The Joke

There are over 60,000 likes on this reel and the comments show just how much his audience agrees with him. The people of the city have spoken and it’s clear that we all just use humour as a coping mechanism! One user commented, ‘My daily commute to work also features the same two cement bags in a loving embrace for the past year – same, exact spot’ 

Also Read: Let’s Make The Bridge Ourselves, Netizens React To Gokhale Bridge Partially Opening After 15-Month Delay

Road transport has become an unwelcome, albeit hilarious joke in our city. Every few kilometres there is either a pothole, a vehicle parked wrongly or a packed junction because the signals don’t work. Do you face these problems on your daily commute too? Let us know in the comments below!

Cover Image Credits: @azeembanatwalla/ Instagram & @SucharitaBose5/ X

First Published: February 13, 2025 6:46 PM