



KFC Japan Buffet With Pizza, Fried Rice And Ice Cream Is Every Foodie’s Dream Come True

by Sanmita A
KFC Japan Buffet With Pizza, Fried Rice And Ice Cream Is Every Foodie’s Dream Come True

No matter the country, fast food giants like KFC have a way into people’s hearts with their delectable menus and offerings. Moreover, they often customise their menu according to the preferences of the customers they are serving. They consider the culture, tradition, people’s tastes and how they would like a certain item. We came across this viral video on the internet where KFC in Japan has spread a lavish buffet for their visitors with items like ice cream, pizza, fried rice, corn, pancakes, croissants, and so much more.

KFC Japan & Their Phenomenal Buffet Spread

Watch this video to know the different food items they served –


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You’d be surprised to know the food items KFC serves in Japan – right from starters, full course meal of fried rice, noodles, and chicken to pancakes, ice cream and even croissants. A full hearty, wholesome meal. This video will surely make you want to try this buffet or want KFC to serve this spread in India too.

Also Read – Pay More For KFC And Pizza Hut As The Outlets Increase Prices Across India

Internet Awed With KFC Japan’s Buffet

The internet was shocked with the delicious food spread KFC had planned for their customers. A few users said, ‘Ok this is just a very special fancy kfc, it’s not like this everywhere in japan. But as a Japanese living in abroad, I can tell you that Japanese kfc is 1000000 times tastier than the ones in the US.’

‘Woow 😲I didn’t know that! Where is it??Please tell me 🧐
I live in Tokyo Japan.’

‘I remember eating at KFC when I lived in S.Korea and the food was delicious.’

‘It’s like every day is Christmas day in Japan.’

Also Read – Starbucks To KFC, These Global Food Chains Launched Indian Food Items

First Published: July 02, 2022 1:15 PM