



10 Reasons Why Your High School Friends Are Your Lifelong Friends

by Suchismita Pal
10 Reasons Why Your High School Friends Are Your Lifelong Friends

High school is the phase of life when we aren’t really children, but we aren’t adults either. Rather, it is the time when we are ‘immature adults’. We’re at the peak of teenage with some sort of emotional vulnerability amid a newly gained freedom. Yes, the phase is beautiful and a bit challenging too. And the ones with whom we pass that time, dealing with the frenzies, the ups and downs, the emotional turmoils and more, turn out to be our real friends. They have seen us grow through the thicks and thins and they love us unconditionally. They aren’t just friends. They are the gems without whom our lives would be dull and incomplete. Here are 10 reasons that will explain why our high school buddies are the friends for life:

1. You Can Count On Them, No Matter What

No matter how serious or silly your problem is, you can turn to them for a solution. And they will be there to guide you, always. In fact, if you’re through a problem, they will be worried about it too. We grow up and move to different cities. But the days we are upset, we need to see their faces for once on video calls. Relatable enough?

High School Friends

2. They Will Listen To Your Same Old Stories, Again And Again

There are some stories which are extremely personal to us and some of them are utterly stupid. We know right? But we keep sharing those stories with our high school buddies REPEATEDLY! And they listen to us patiently, without even judging us. Doesn’t it just seem at times that if there was a national award for patience, they would have perfectly deserved it?

High School Friends
Picture Credits: YouTube

3. They Had Been With You During Your Teenage Years And Your First Heartbreaks

First love, first proposes, first dates, first kisses and first breakups- your high school buddies had seen you go through all. Also, first breakups aren’t actually easy to handle for many. It was for those crazy souls that we survived through those harsh times. They are not just friends, they are our support systems.

High School Friends
Picture Credits: Facebook

Also Read: Studies Say Maintaining Childhood Friendships Are Good For Health

4. They Keep Your Secrets

When we say, we won’t tell anybody, that doesn’t include our best friend! If you too agree with this statement, then congratulations, you are lucky to get the most adorable and most trustworthy school BFF. They will keep your deepest secrets. No wonder, even after we grow up, our mothers question those same people when they find out something fishy about us.

High School Friends
Picture Credits: Facebook

5. They Know You To The Core

We grow up, develop a personality and people begin to recognize us from the way we present ourselves. But there’s a raw side of us, not identified by many. Our school buddies know us unfiltered. Our strengths, our weaknesses, our deepest fears, our greatest passions- they will know everything.

High School Friends
Picture Credits: Facebook

6. They Can Be The Best Travel Buddies

It’s just so different travelling with our BFFs. There’s nothing like exploring new lands with familiar faces and stuffing ourselves with some amazing local cuisines. And if you’re someone who loves to explore in a crowd, here are 6 reasons why you must travel with your childhood sweethearts.

Also Read: 7 Childhood Friends Applied For A Leave Together Toured Eastern Europe For 15 Days

7. Their Families Are Like Your Families

Did you realize that back in school days we used to have ample time and often we ended up spending hours at our bestie’s places? Sweet were those days! Their parents also did not treat us as any outsider but simply as another child of home. Then we grow up, life happens and most of us get opportunities to meet only after months, or even years. Thank God, video call was invented!

High School Friends
Picture Credits: YouTube

8. You Won’t Mind Getting Crazy With Them

We all have an insane side and that definitely comes out when we are with these peeps. And we have already said, they won’t judge us. Instead, they will automatically level up their crazy quotient to make unforgettable memories. Even at our 60s, we might feel as excited as in the 20s, with them around us.

High School Friends
Picture Credits: YouTube

Also Read: I Went On My First International Trip To Europe With My Friends & It Was AMAZING!

9. You Definitely Have The Best Drunk Memories With Them

We tell ourselves that we should always drink responsibly. Well, we can very well stick to that responsibility at formal places or with people who aren’t much close to us. But when these school buddies are around, we somehow know subconsciously that whatever happens, they will not leave us at any cost. Yeah, we have had our deadliest drunk memories with our high school buddies.

High School Friends

10. They Understand Your Mood Simply By Seeing Your Face

You simply cannot lie to them when you are sad, annoyed or defeated. Even if a psychologist fails to understand your mood, these school friends will definitely know that something is not ok with you. And they won’t be in peace until you share your plight with them. There’s a popular saying, when you’re going off the track, all you need is a thirty-minute counselling from your childhood friend.

Missing your school gang already? Share this story with them right away and get nostalgic together! On that note,  here’s a perfect girl getaway to Phuket:

First Published: July 31, 2020 4:50 PM