



Robots Assigned In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals For COVID-19

by Sanjana Shenoy
Robots Assigned In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals For COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has grappled the world with fear. Health workers, governments and researchers are struggling to contain the spread of the virus, that has already infected more than 7,00,000 people globally and claimed more than 30,000 lives. Medical professionals are getting infected while treating patients and this is a matter of concern. To tackle this issue, robots are being deployed across the world to conduct coronavirus tests, administer treatment and provide adequate support to quarantined patients. Robots have been assigned in Bangalore and Kerala hospitals to help combat COVID-19.

Robots In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals

Robots Deployed In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals

Hospitals in Bangalore and Kerala have deployed robots to assess patients suffering from cold or flu. The robots first use face recognition to take fever tests of patients. Patients have to maintain a certain distance from the robot and look into the camera. Once the body temperature is scanned, then it asks them about the prevalent symptoms. The robot questions them if they suffer from fever, cough, cold, or have difficulty in breathing. Once the screening is complete, the robot asks the patient to visit the flu clinic for further assistance. There is also a department assigned where another robot connects the patient to a doctor. Using a tablet held by the robot, the patient can video conference with the doctor. Once the consultation is complete, the robot will issue an entry pass for the patient.

Robots In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals

Robots At Fortis Hospital And Healthians In Bangalore

The two currently activated robots deployed are- Mitra and Mitri. They both are currently available at Fortis Hospital and Healthians in Bangalore. Deepak Sahni, Founder and CEO of Healthians stated that health is currently on the forefront due to the COVID-19 crisis. He revealed that they have developed healthcare robots in partnership with Bangalore based robotic company, Invento. These healthcare robots will prove to be very effective in fighting the battle against coronavirus. The healthcare robots can screen patients for coronavirus without any human contact. Their temperatures can be screened and faces can be detected. Deepak Sahni went on to add that the new healthcare robots will be helpful to screen people at lobbies in corporate offices.

Robots In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals

Also Read: Spain Deploys Robots To Fight Against COVID-19

Robots Assigned In Kochi Medical College

Asimov Robotics has stationed 2 robots at Kochi Medical College. Jaykrishnan T, Founder and CEO of Asimov Robotics revealed that one robot dispenses tissue paper and masks. This robot is installed in an ecosystem where 400 people are currently working there. So anyone who steps into this eco-system will be prompted by the robot to sanitize their hands. The role of the other robot is to pass on information in the form of question and answer. People can ask the robot anything to do with coronavirus and the robot will educate them about the virus citing information from authentic sources like WHO. Hong Kong Airport Starts Trial With Cleaning Robots, Disinfection Booth To Deal With Coronavirus

Robots In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals

Robots Help In Disinfection And Assist Elderly

Apart from providing sanitizers, masks and tissue papers and educating people about coronavirus, there’s also a robot that helps in disinfecting the area and assist the elderly and disabled. It’s called Saya-Bot. That’s Shadow or Companion Bot. The current manufacturing unit helps make 1 robot a day. Students from Delhi have also joined this race and have built a prototype.

Robots In Bangalore & Kerala Hospitals

The prototype Prithvi is designed to dispense food and medicine and is App controlled. Since it’s made out of cardboard if this prototype is selected it would require a sturdier built. And even though the world might look like its crumbling, robots like Mitra, Mitri, Prithvi and others will help humans see through this dire time. And this is just the beginning of how healthcare is going through a remarkable revolution.

First Published: May 07, 2020 4:07 PM