UAE Warns Residents Against Dangerous Social Media Challenge

by Vaishnavi Venkataraman
UAE Warns Residents Against Dangerous Social Media Challenge

The Ministry of Education has warned UAE students against a dangerous prank that is doing the rounds on Tiki’s Tok. Safety officers at public schools are monitoring students closely to ensure they are not taking part in the ‘skull breaker challenge’. The challenge has reportedly injured students in Canada and other parts of the world.

What’s It?

Skull breaker challenge is a dangerous game that involves tricking a person into jumping in the air for a video. While airborne, the victim’s legs are pulled from the back, making the person fall back flat on the ground. Sounds scary right? Well, doctors have also warned that the dangerous prank can result in life-threatening injuries.

The prank can injure the skull bones, leading to life-threatening brain haemorrhage and fractures- revealed Dr Srinivas Janga, specialist neurosurgeon at Prime Hospital.

That said, this is not the first time such a game is going viral. Last October, a mother reported how her son came back with bruises and cuts on his neck. The little boy was reportedly playing a game called ‘pass-out challenge’- where one strangles himself, to see how long he/she can take it and last.

Similarly, in November, UAE warned residents of a game which involved sealing their bodies (even head) inside a large trash bag and sucking the air out with a vacuum cleaner.

What Else?

Using social media in the UAE comes with its own bag of rules and regulations. Many times, Whatsapp conversation have led to legal battles. And this is the same case when it comes to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter as well. So, with no further adieu, here’s a sneak peak into UAE’s social media legalities. Better to be safe than sorry- isn’t it?

The misuse of information technology in the UAE can leave you with a fine of up to AED 50,000 along with imprisonment. Here are the do’s and don’t’s you must follow:

credits pixabay

1. Defamation

Do: Make sure the information you share online does not hurt or defame an individual
Don’t: Posting defamatory comments about other people on social media or furnishing information that intrudes in a person’s privacy is considered an offense as per article 372.

2. Photographs

Do: Always ask for permission, (in written) before sharing others images on social platforms. Failure to do so is considered an offense.
Don’t: As per the Cyber Crimes Law, clicking and sharing pictures of individuals without their consent would be an invasion of one’s privacy. Besides, the Federal Law No 3 of 1987 also states that its is offensive to share pictures of others without their consent. It is best to have a mutual agreement before sharing pictures.

3. Morality

Do: Always publish posts and photos with other’s sentiments in mind. It is best to be respectful of other nationalities, religious beliefs and display tolerance towards the same.
Don’t: Steer away from posting images or information that disrespect the nation, mock religions or beliefs. Articles 360- Article 370 outline these offenses. Violators maybe subjected to six months of detention and AED 5000 fine.

4. Confidentiality

Do: Be respectful of any confidential information shared with you. Information pertaining to a company’s financial turn over or employee list can be confidential and should not be shared on social platforms.
Don’t: Do not probe or engage in conversations that would lead to breach of confidentiality. Violation can result in temporary imprisonment as well as fine.